India is a country that evokes a surge of emotions every time you think of it. A country that offers a diversity of landscape like no other- the splendours of the rising sun, the charm of country side, the gorges and valleys of Himalaya, the river dales that spring the romance of life on either of its banks, endless oceans, the backwaters that beckon young and old alike, and the poetic delights of the desserts manifold. Like the landscape, the diversity runs across its people, religion culture and society. The more you learn, the more you yearn to know more.
Truly, India is country that you have seen often, but haven’t experienced enough. Pilgrimages. Weekend outings. Adventure Sports. History. Monuments. Wild life. Food. Honeymoons. Second Honeymoons. Trip down the Royal Heritage. Trip down the memory lane.
Let the magic unfold. Once more. With Sandi’s. The way you like it.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain’s legendary words inspire many a travellers to let go of their inhibitions to step on to destinations never seen before.The seven continents of this earth conjure up the magic like the seven colours of a rainbow- harmonious in unity, but distinctive in identity.Once you have experienced the beauty of each of these continents, the voyage never ends. It is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.It’s a new new world. A world that begins with you. A journey of a thousand miles. A journey that begins with a small step taken by you. Let that step be with your trusted companion-Sandi’s.

There is a difference between the tourists and the travellers. While tourists take on the roads to reach a destination, a good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. We have learned that no tourists and travellers are alike, and hence neither can their needs be. When you come to Sandi’s for Travel & Leisure solution, we hear you. We share our experience of having traversed the globe. In essence, we create an itinerary that suits you, unlike others who pride on recommending a “One size fits all” package.